Friday, March 21, 2008

Video Project Ideas...

I am not completely sure what I would like to focus my video project on yet but I do have a couple of ideas. I know that I will be teaching at the high school level in the coming year so I would definately like to gear my topic to be appropriate at the high school level. I think that something dealing with the theme of travel would be nice but I am not exactly sure how to set that one up. I also like the idea of making commercials. Another neat thing would be to film dialouges. In the high school classroom, students could create dialouges or skits dealing with different situations (at the restaurant, phone conversations, meeting someone for the first time, etc). As you can see, I am not sure where I would like to focus my project yet but any ideas/feedback would be much appreciated!

1 comment:

drlomicka said...

I saw a very funny and creative video on YouTube about how to cheat on the AP exam:
It's for French but it will perhaps give you some ideas for your project!
You could do some more researching on youtube and/or google.