Monday, February 11, 2008


This powerpoint was actually only the second one that I have ever made. It is pretty amateur! I did feel that as I added more slides I became more and more comfortable with powerpoint. I do feel that I will definately benefit from learning to create powerpoints because they can be very helpful in aiding to teach a concept. I think that using a powerpoint to introduce grammar points in the foreign language classroom would be very helpful. Using powerpoint presentations could be a good way to differ the ways in which information is introduced. I think that students enjoy variation and using a powerpoint could be a good alternative to simply having students take notes from the board or overhead. I think it would be neat to also have students create powerpoints of their own from time to time. While I do think that powerpoints would be a good tool to use in the classroom, I do not think that they should be used every class period. I am a big believer in varying activities and approaches in the classroom and I think that using powerpoints too much could get dull and uninteresting. I look forward to becoming more and more comfortable with creating powerpoints through this class this semester!

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

Your reflection is good but I can't find your actual powerpoint so that I can give you a grade.