Friday, February 22, 2008

Final project possibilities...

For my final project, I would like to look at the uses of podcasts in the foreign language classroom. I came up with a couple of benefits to using podcasts in the language classroom as a way to start thinking of how they could be beneficial in aiding the teaching of a foreign language. Firstly, they offer a wide variety of topics. Students could have some choice over particular topics that are of interest to them. Also, they are a good way for students to be able to listen to native speakers. Having students listen to podcasts made by native speakers would be good listening practice. Another benefit to using podcasts in the FL classroom is that they can be a very good source of cultural information. It would also be neat to have students create their own podcasts! Those are just a couple of benefits to using podcasts in the FL classroom that I was able to come up with. As far as a particular research question, I could look at a general question like "How can using podcasts aid in foreign language acquistion?". This is a pretty general question that I feel could lend itself well.
Another possible research topic for me could be the benefits of communicating through e-mail vesus instant messenging. I am not really sure if there has been research done comparing the two or not, but that might be interesting to look at.


Dr. L said...

Hi Elizabeth - we'll need to discuss your questions. You're a bit too (a lot!) general right now. If you want to explore podcasts, take a look at Ashley's question on podcasts to see something more specific. Feel free to chat more with me when you are ready.

LucĂ­a said...

hola liz!

the idea of podcasts sounds really interesting it seems to be a very interesting topic in this class! what exactly will you be doing with it? I also like the email vs. chat. Suerte con todo! :)