Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mini Project 3

This video activity would be used in a second year high school Spanish class during a 50 minute block. It would be included in a unit where the students are studying daily routines which include reflexive verbs, which would have been introduced during the previous class period. The main goals of this activity are for the students to be able to interpret meaning in the video, be able to recognize the reflexive verbs, and be able to determine the appropriate uses of reflexive verbs. Also, the students will be able to compare the daily routines seen on the video with their own through communication in Spanish.

Activity – Reflexive verb video
(All to be completed in the target language)
· Prior to viewing: Students will be asked the questions “What is a reflexive verb?” “When do we use reflexive verbs?” and will be asked to jot down some examples of reflexive verbs. (5 min.)
· While viewing: Students will be instructed to jot down any and all reflexive verbs that they hear in the video. Video will be shown two times. (10 min.)
· After viewing: Students will write about the daily routine of the person in the video. They will then get in to pairs and discuss how their own daily routines are similar and different from the person and the video and from each other. (15 min.)
· Students will then individually create a story line including illustrations which will depict their own daily routines. Students must use a minimum of 5 different reflexive verbs. (20 min.)

--Active participation in class discussion/interpersonal task: 40%
--Completion of daily routine story line: 60%
- minimum of 5 different reflexive verbs: 25%
- grammatical accuracy: 25%
- original illustrations: 10%

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Second Life...

Before exploring Second Life in class last Monday, I have to be honest, I thought the idea behind Second Life was rediculous! It seemed silly to me that people would want to create a "virtual alter ego". While I still think the idea in general is a little silly, I had so much fun exploring second life through my "avatar"! I got really in to it and found myself wanting to continue even after time was up in class. That lets me know that if I enjoyed it so much then students certainly would be interested and excited to! While I am not sure at this point if I completely agree with pedagogical benefits of using Second Life, I do see the validity of the arguments behind the idea. I can certainly agree that the affective filter would be low using second life because of the degree of anonymity that Second Life offers. Students that may be timid using the language in the classroom setting would probably be comfortable communicating in the TL in Second Life. Also, although it is not genuine "face to face" interaction, communicating on Second Life does resemble the flow of natural conversation. My question is, would using Second Life to communicate in the TL provide opportunities for oral proficiency or just for written proficiency???

Monday, March 31, 2008

Mini Project 2

Trying this again...Here it is for REAL this time!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thoughts on Intercultural Communication...

I enjoyed the readings and discussions on the intercultural communication topic. I believe strongly in the inclusion of culture in the teaching of a foreign language and can definately see the value of using intercultural communication in the FL classroom. As stated in some of the articles, it is important to have discussions in order to prepare students for such communication to make sure that everyone is on the "same page" to begin with. I could see how having differing expectations could certainly create tensions and missed communication. I also do think that it is important to make students aware of the existence of cultural stereotypes so that they are not reinforcing cultural stereotypes through the communications. In all, I think that it would be neat to use intercultural communication in the classroom. It is the modern version of pen-pals and I think that this is something that students (particularly at the middle/high school level) could get really excited about!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Video Project Ideas...

I am not completely sure what I would like to focus my video project on yet but I do have a couple of ideas. I know that I will be teaching at the high school level in the coming year so I would definately like to gear my topic to be appropriate at the high school level. I think that something dealing with the theme of travel would be nice but I am not exactly sure how to set that one up. I also like the idea of making commercials. Another neat thing would be to film dialouges. In the high school classroom, students could create dialouges or skits dealing with different situations (at the restaurant, phone conversations, meeting someone for the first time, etc). As you can see, I am not sure where I would like to focus my project yet but any ideas/feedback would be much appreciated!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

Final project possibilities...

For my final project, I would like to look at the uses of podcasts in the foreign language classroom. I came up with a couple of benefits to using podcasts in the language classroom as a way to start thinking of how they could be beneficial in aiding the teaching of a foreign language. Firstly, they offer a wide variety of topics. Students could have some choice over particular topics that are of interest to them. Also, they are a good way for students to be able to listen to native speakers. Having students listen to podcasts made by native speakers would be good listening practice. Another benefit to using podcasts in the FL classroom is that they can be a very good source of cultural information. It would also be neat to have students create their own podcasts! Those are just a couple of benefits to using podcasts in the FL classroom that I was able to come up with. As far as a particular research question, I could look at a general question like "How can using podcasts aid in foreign language acquistion?". This is a pretty general question that I feel could lend itself well.
Another possible research topic for me could be the benefits of communicating through e-mail vesus instant messenging. I am not really sure if there has been research done comparing the two or not, but that might be interesting to look at.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

This week's post

I was pretty excited about being able to add a music video to my blog! I have always read celebrity gossip blogs like Perezhilton, who always has video clips on his blog and was excited to be able to figure out how to put them on mine! I also added a mini-survey which I also thought was cool. I would like to continue to add more features to my blog as we learn how to do more and more. I also think it would be neat to keep and maintain some sort of blog after this class. At first I wasn't sure about the idea of having a blog but after being able to figure out how to do things like post videos and pictures I have really enjoyed it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Juanes music video - Volverte a Ver

1st PowerPoint!

Fast Food Nation (PP)

From: Lizzibee03, 1 minute ago

SlideShare Link


This powerpoint was actually only the second one that I have ever made. It is pretty amateur! I did feel that as I added more slides I became more and more comfortable with powerpoint. I do feel that I will definately benefit from learning to create powerpoints because they can be very helpful in aiding to teach a concept. I think that using a powerpoint to introduce grammar points in the foreign language classroom would be very helpful. Using powerpoint presentations could be a good way to differ the ways in which information is introduced. I think that students enjoy variation and using a powerpoint could be a good alternative to simply having students take notes from the board or overhead. I think it would be neat to also have students create powerpoints of their own from time to time. While I do think that powerpoints would be a good tool to use in the classroom, I do not think that they should be used every class period. I am a big believer in varying activities and approaches in the classroom and I think that using powerpoints too much could get dull and uninteresting. I look forward to becoming more and more comfortable with creating powerpoints through this class this semester!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

*my internet use* (hw 2/4)

This past week I have been tracking my internet useage! By doing this, I realized that I rely on the internet a great deal on a daily basis! I found that on a typical day, I will access the internet on about three separate occasions, typically lasting about 20 minutes per occasion. Every day I access my e-mail account on Yahoo several times a day. I also access Facebook 1 or two times per day to send messages to friends, check messages that have been sent to me, or to just 'play around'! Another site that I visit frequently is to check on my checking account balance. I will usually check up on school work assignments that I have either on USC's blackboard website or the 'tifle' website. I also access the celebrity blogger website atleast once a day because I love celebrity gossip!
Based on all of this, I consider myself to be partly a recreational internet user (Facebook, but also partly an internet user based on necessity (E-mail,, school assignments, etc). It was really interesting to see that I do use the internet on a daily basis and that it is just a part of my daily routine. As technology continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see just how much we as a society rely on the internet and on computers!

Monday, January 28, 2008

First post!

I am so excited about my first posting experience on HijoDeArma! I'm pumped!
By the way, I am obsessed with my kitty cat! Her name is Sabrina and she is my baby! I also love krispy kreme doughnuts and celebrity gossip! Yaaay!